
Finding the Right Man - How To Connect With A Man If You Want A Serious, Long-Lasting Relationship

By Connie Ragen Green

Relationships do not have to be so difficult. If you are a woman looking for the right man, you may find it easier than you think to find true love. Men today are serious about finding a woman they can fall completely in love with for a lifetime. They are tired of the dating scene and are just waiting for a woman to come along that they can commit to for a life of bliss. Women need to keep some things in mind when trying to land that special guy.

  • Be completely honest with a man when you first meet them. Any deception at all will be seen by the man as a red flag, and will kill any chance of romance in the future. If you have been in a troubled relationship in the past, have financial problems, or have anything else that you know will be important later on, just be honest and discuss it early on.
  • Be open to his lifestyle, family and job. Even though you may be dreaming of meeting a doctor or a lawyer, realize that engineers, contractors and retail managers may be perfect for you. If you are hoping to meet someone with no family or friends, book a trip to another planet where you are more likely to find someone like that. Everyone has people in their life that they are used to spending time with. Give the new man in your life a chance to introduce you to his friends and family. You just may be pleasantly surprised.
  • Make a list of what is most important to you and share it with your man as soon as is comfortable for both of you. You may be concerned with being with someone who has a high priority of staying healthy and fit or financial security may be higher on your list. Compare notes to see how compatible you really are.
There are enough available men for every woman who wants to be in a serious, committed relationship. Go to places where men are likely to be and soon you will find the man of your dreams. Writing about what you want in a man can be helpful in finding the right man.

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