
8 Mega Warning Signs To Look Out For In Dating And Relationships

Men and women alike have a predisposition to overlook some key behavioral patterns of their new partner. When the relationship takes on a sour note comes the sad remark 'Had I only known…' but it's already too late, what should have been prevented happened already.

Psychotherapists reveal that in most of their counseling sessions with members of the same sex in the field of domestic violence there is a clear indication that victims of domestic violence can always trace back repulsive and sometimes dangerous character traits of their partners to the very beginning of the relationship.

Early Warning Signs to look out for and be wary of in a new partner.

1.Irritable over petty matters and very antagonistic when having arguments.
2.Subjecting you to humiliation and calling you names when the two of you are alone.
3.Makes insulting remarks about you in front of others in complete disregard of your feelings.
4.Sadistic lovemaking and making you perform sexual acts you do not like.
5.Deciding where and when to go without consulting you
6.Limits your time with your friends and family but forces you to socialize with his/her friends; belittles your accomplishments and does not recognize your areas of expertise.
7.Openly flirts with the opposite sex but accuses you jealousy when you object.
8.Prone to tantrums and destructive behavior.

A red flag warning should automatically be raised when your partner comes on zealously in the beginning of your new relationship, tries to sweep you off your feet, and wants an exclusive relationship too quickly.

A lot of women are thrilled at the intensity of a man's open display of an apparent need for an immediate connection and thus overlooking its inappropriateness. However, this should not be misconstrued as 'love at first sight' wherein one or both parties feel an instant and strong connection - without any of the aforementioned behaviors.

If the man in your life shows evidence of any of the above attitudes or behavior - be aware that the relationship will not get better, it might just get worse. Very likely, he will even be reluctant to discuss his emotions because he feels that women are inferior.

If this is the case, the best course of action is try to get out of it as soon as possible to prevent any unlikely event like physical abuse or emotion

Online Dating Service, Singles Dating

Singles Dating Has Never Been Easier If You Go Through An Online Dating Service. Start Meeting Women Almost Immediately!

Everything seems to be online these days. You work online, you shop online and you even hang out with your friends that way. So you can't be surprised to know that you can even meet and date people online. Online dating is incredibly popular these days, not to mention successful. Some have said that singles dating is so much easier now thanks to the anonymity of the Internet.

So if you're open to new things and experiences or if you've not had much luck with women, then why not try online dating? It's true that online dating is a little different from singles dating. There are different rules to follow and if you're a first timer, you won't even know where to start looking for women! But don't worry, that's where an online dating service comes in.

Online dating services are like regular dating services. Their function is to help you meet women and get dates. The best online dating service will sign you up and help you search for someone that matches your profile so that the women you meet will be attracted to you and vice versa. You can also choose to browse through their list of online personal ads and then arrange your own meeting if you like.

It has a high rate of success and being in an online dating service is like shooting fish in a barrel. The service will have women all lined up for you to meet, so how can dating girls be any easier? And if you're the kind of guy who likes to try new things, then be prepared to meet women from all over the world! That's because some of these online dating services are global and just about anyone can sign up with them.

I suppose the important thing to ask is: how much do I pay for this dating service? Unlike a normal dating service, online dating services are free! Well, most of them are anyway. Most of them will require you to at least sign up with them and give out a few details but apart from that, there are no obligations at all. Just sign up, list your interests, maybe make a personal ad and you can start meeting women immediately!

There are no other free and easy ways to get dates and meet women other than through an online dating service. Don't just jump into Internet dating blindfolded. Let a dating service help you enjoy singles dating the way it should be enjoyed.


Making Dangerous Dating Assumptions

When men and women are dating, they always seem to make assumptions about what is going on in the other person's mind. They have already decided on what the other person is thinking, what the other person wants, or what they need. Assuming things like this will lead to nowhere fast. All that you will do is create misunderstandings, guilt, and potential embarrassing moments.

Here is a little story: Stacy's sister was having a beautiful romantic wedding ceremony. Of course Stacy wanted to bring her date Michael to the wedding to share this incredibly romantic experience with. During the wedding festivities Stacy was flowing with joy and love that was in the air from the entire wedding atmosphere.

She asked for Michael's hand and wanted him to look deep into her eyes as they danced. But Michael acted cold towards her. Unfortunately for Stacy, Michael had already been bitten by the love bug for another girl just a week earlier and just went with Stacy because he thought that she just needed an friend to go to the wedding with.

The following are lessons that we can learn from Stacy's experience:

* Do not have expectations. Whatever happens between two people is unpredictable and some people will react poorly to demands early on in the courtship. Without expectations then few feelings will be hurt if the date goes poorly and better yet if the date goes good, then it will be a 'bonus'.

* Make sure that you both openly agree on exactly what the date is about and what you each are there for.

* Be totally honest with each other about other relationships from day one. If you are seeing somebody on a casual basis, be open about it!

* Be clear with each other exactly what the date plans are to be. Sometimes the person is not aware or not interested in what you have planned, which may cause the outcome to be upsetting to both of you.

10 Striking Ways On How To Get Yourself Ready For Dating & Relationships

The following are 10 striking tips & tricks on how to get yourself ready for dating & relationships. Use them wisely and you will be bound to have fun and triumph in the dating arena.

1.Pamper Yourself First!

Do the things that make you feel contented and good, and then when you have more you can share them with others.

2.Be Clear of What you are looking for.

If your primary reason for dating is to get into a meaningful relationship, you have to clearly define what you want to achieve in the relationship. Clarity brings balance between hope and fear. Jot down the qualities you want most in your partner in a long-term relationship. Then pick the 10 that are non-negotiable must haves otherwise you'll get stuck.

3.Go for the Essentials.

Be definite about your personal values. Use them as your guidelines in evaluating if a relationship is right for you or not. Your values are your personal operating system. They can only be compromised with your agreement.

4.Know Thyself.

Know yourself, your strengths and weaknesses, your dreams; when you can confidently talk about whom you are, you attract what you want most AND people around you will help you get it - because you've told them! The clearer you are about what you want - the more others understand and can help you get it.

5.Positive Attitude Goes a Long Way.

If your view of dating or finding a partner is negative you are effectively closing the door to opportunities. You should have a positive attitude, it makes a big difference. By adopting a positive attitude you create space for infinite possibilities in your life.

6.Have Supportive People Around.

Get help and support from family and friends who want the best for you. Having supportive, reassuring people in your life is important in bringing out the best in you.

7.Validating Feelings

Validate your feelings with the people around you. When you are happy, how do they feel? When you are sad, how do they react? Be aware of your positive and negative feelings and how they affect those around you. Awareness of how you affect others opens up areas of improvements.

8.You can be Interesting!

You had a private life before you started dating and began a relationship, keep doing things that interest you and involve your partner. Do not allow a new relationship to deprive you of what you enjoy doing and your friends.

9.What's in a Relationship?

In a relationship, you should always be in the learning mode. Examine and evaluate patterns of behavior that may be detrimental and be on the look out for new ones that can lead to healthy and happy relationships.

10.Trash the Excess Baggage!

Clean your personality closet of your negative attitude. Stop feeling sorry for what was, let it go! You have the opportunity to start anew and get exactly what you really desire.

Singles Dating, Meeting Women

Learn The Rules Of Singles Dating And Meeting Women Will Become As Easy As ABC.
Dating rules are very simple. Women are the ones who make singles dating more complicated than it needs to be. To start of, the most important rule of singles dating is to be yourself. Faking it is very unattractive to a woman, especially if she sees right through it. You will come of as a liar and possibly even a cheat immediately. A relationship based on such dates hardly work out because sooner or later, she will discover the 'real' you. Chances are - she'll either hate you, or hate the fact that you lied to her.
Another great rule when meeting women for the first date is to make your date both fun and memorable. Instead of chatting the whole time about what you did in the past, try making your dates fun by having activities that will create memories of current moments. Things that you could do on a date include watching a movie or a show or even going bowling or ice skating. This is important for singles dating because it gives you a chance to show off a little bit more personality to her so that she will stay intrigued and interested thus giving you a higher chance of a second date.

The next major singles dating rule to meeting women is to avoid a boring first date. Pay attention to your surroundings and observe her reactions. Talking non-stop about something that she has no interest in will just leave her with bad memories of the date. The correct way to successfully meet women is to take an interest in what she has to say instead. Listening to her works out great because women love to talk talk anyway.
The last and most important rule of singles dating is to play it cool. You mustn't show just how obsessed you are with her because you'll lose your edge. Show interest but you don't want to let her know just how eager or desperate you are. Whether it's her or your lack of dates, a desperate man is not an attractive one. She'll either back away from you or take advantage of you and neither option is fun.
Just remember that meeting women is supposed to be fun, so inject a positive attitude into singles dating. Just think of it as a game to get the girl. So be sure to enjoy yourself while looking ahead at the goal. Constant rejection just means that you're handling dates with a bad attitude and things won't improve if you keep that up. So just put a smile on your face, work up a positive mind set about yourself, women and dating in general and just sit back and enjoy.


Meeting Women, Pick Up Girls

Discover Four New Places To Start Meeting Women! Learn To Pick Up And Approach Women Everywhere You Go!

Once you've built up the confidence of approaching and meeting women what's the next step? Knowing where to go of course! If you haven't a clue as to where to meet women, then check out some of the hot spots below. These are places that you always knew about but you didn't think of meeting women there.

The Club or Pub
Night spots are always a good place to pick up girls. Chances are the girls there want to be picked up too! If you enjoy the night life then this is the best place for you to pick up girls. Just don't get suckered by women who are just interested in your money and the free flow of drinks you are providing.

Sports Clubs Or Activity Classes
Sports clubs or places like yoga classes are great places to pick up girls. Meeting women here is easy and you will have a high chance of finding interesting women who actually share your same interests. Because of this the process of picking them up is made easier as you will have much to talk about. It's also easy to ask for dates because you can always suggest a meal after class or a drink to discuss the day's lessons.

The Library
This place isn't as boring as you think and you can actually pick up girls here. The main thing you have to remember is that there are always more women than men at the library and that not all of them are busy and dedicated to their work. And even if they are, they sure could use a break every once in a while. This is of course where you step in. One way to meet them is to take interest in what she is doing and get her to open up and talk to you about it. As you know, women love talking so take the opportunity to build up a rapport while they are talking your ear off about the subject.

The Shopping Mall
One of the best places to start meeting women is surprisingly your local mall. Or should I say not so surprisingly? After all its women who love to shop and where else would they flock? The thing is that while men are hanging out at the malls it would cross their minds that "That girl looks hot" but it never occurs to them that they should make a move because before this, picking up girls was reserved exclusively for places like the pub. Well it's time to change this mentality and figure out that the mall is actually a great place for meeting women!

The 5 Secrets Of "keeping" Your Husband In Love With You

In medival times the 'keep' was the central tower that formed the heart of the castle. It was the most defended area of a castle. With that in mind, if we are to 'keep' our husband in love with us, we need to always 'keep' our husbands needs close to our heart and defend our relationship at all times.

We need to defend our marriage relationship by not allowing it to fall into a boring routine, defending against affairs, maintaining a healthy sex life, defending against being critical, and spending regular, quality time with our husband.

As we 'keep' our relationship from falling into a boring routine, we will look for opportunities to pamper and spoil our spouse. Simple acts of thoughtfulness breed reciprocal acts of kindness.

These efforts don't have to be expensive or elaborate, a tender note in a lunch box, a romantic note left on their wind shield, a short e-mail with a compliment, a unique dinner place setting, or a bedroom invitation written in soap on their mirror.

The best offense in warding off the intrusion of an affair is to have a rewarding, satisfying marriage that meets the needs of both partners. Affairs aren't about sex, they're about someones needs going unmet.

These needs are usually emotional in nature, and ones that have been subtlely expressed to their wife, but the plea went unnoticed. Don't allow yourself to assume that your loving feelings alone will sustain your marriage. It requires daily acts of loving and listening to reinforce a marriage against the intrusion of an affair.

Sex is a basic human need and should take priority over other things in your marriage. The sobering reality is that most spouses are more vulnerable to flirtations and sexual advances from others when their sex life is unhappy at home.

It's also critical to not only make time for sex but to have open communication with your spouse about both of your sexual needs. Ongoing intimacy keeps a relationships strong, thus, as you maintain a healthy sex life your relationship will remain strong.

It's easy to criticize your husband for not being perfect while you ignore your own imperfections. It's important to focus on what you can do and give to your relationship rather than on whether or not your spouse is putting forth an equal effort or has some imperfections.

As you strive to improve who you are, you will become a more happy, peaceful person and this will reflect upon your husband. Not only will their imperfections appear to diminish, they will make improvements as well.

It's difficult to have a successful marriage and experience true love without spending at least one night a week together that is free from distractions of family and work.

This doesn't have to be an expensive date each week, just time together enjoying each others company and 'keeping' your marriage strengthened.

As you put forth the effort to 'keep' your marriage strong, you will be amazed at the depth of joy and happiness in your marriage and how your relationship will flourish as it is nourished with these 5 secrets.

The Irresistible Power Of Dating Other Women – Variety Brings Spice To Life!

I have decided to bring upfront this important aspect of the dating scenario - multiple choices of women that lie ahead of all of us. This should be one of your primary priority area of consideration - because it is under your control if you so decide.

There happens to be existing a bit of dichotomy in this dating game - mostly created by women themselves. For your understanding, I want to break the existing myth - women do not like men dating more than one man. Did I hear someone say - Monogamous?

So many times I have heard some one say something on similar lines:
-This one's made just for me.
-I knew she should be just right for me
-I know my soul mate, when I see one
-God, help me, I don't want to lose her

The lists of such exclamations are endless. A man meets a woman, finds her extremely beautiful and desirable, and then goes and spoils it all by idolizing her. He instantly puts her on a pedestal and from then on his entire world revolves around her.

What a waste, what a mistake!

This kind of infatuation and fixation is a sure no-no for women. It kills any sense of excitement and thrill expected to exist in a budding relationship. Let me take you through a discussion, where I analyze WHY you should keep on seeing other women, even if you have your eyes fixed on one.

1.Attitude and confidence - Open other windows

When you are "fixed" or "stuck" with only one woman, you immediately shut out any buffer zone - or the comfort zone, which all of us need, in case something goes seriously wrong. In case she gets you out of her life - you spend the next few miserable months, or even years, thinking what is it that you said wrong, did wrong or hurt her unintentionally. Remember that song of the Beatles - Yesterday? You keep on longing for that single Yesterday.

Since you have pinned all your hopes, aspirations and dreams on one solitary woman, you have lost all your sense of balance and proportion. Our inherent "fear of loss" arises out of the belief that there are "no options" anymore. This is it. The moment you realize - O my God, so many women, so little time, your spirit automatically lifts up sky high. As a natural consequence, you will relax, learn to be calm and collected in your deportment. You no longer fear any one, now, isn't that a wonderful feeling?

2.Perspective and comparison - Compare, Contrast, Consider

If you start believing that the single woman who you have selected is the end all and be all of life, how are you going to assess her unless you know some other women too? You need to draw some kind of standard parameter guidelines, by which you can weigh the attraction level and find rationality for your feelings. If you have nothing else to compare her with, how will you ever know the millions of alternative behavioral norms that even exist?

3.Perceived value - Women' envy, Owners' pride!

Women go for the Jones's. Whatever the neighbor (in this case read it as other women) has, I must have it too. Right from jewellery, clothes, perfume to men! A man who is popular, talked about, seen everywhere and goes around with another woman, well, what is he like, is there any chance for me? Make a beeline for him! Join the race. A man who is WANTED. Who you see at the pub is ordinary, within reach. The "unconquered" triggers the killer instinct.

4. The Obsessive Self-destruct - Killing You Softly

Any sort of compulsion results in hasty, unrealistic and destructive decisions. The moment the world of choices open up, you automatically cease to show any compulsive behavior. The essence of this message is that you see and date as many women as there are available, till you meet the most promising one and it should be YOU who take the final call and NOT the woman!

5.Don't let her feel "tied" down too early

Women hate to be treated exclusively right from the word go. Even if your intention is a temporary liaison, she gets a wrong signal. She immediately concludes that you are intent on a serious monogamous relationship. Now her pace and sense of rhythm does not allow this. The whole episode then becomes full of disharmony.

So the take home is message is this: Keep your options open. Keep all windows open. Date as many women as you like, more so, if you have located the woman of your dreams. Do not over-indulge or spoil everything by idolizing her. To keep her interests alive, see other women. It pays, both in the short and long run.

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