Giving below some of the notable Alpha Men of our times, who have set examples for us to follow. Go through them and see how you might incorporate some of their qualities into your own, to be irresistibly attractive to women. Pick and choose your role model:
1. James Bond - No, he is not a hackneyed name. He is a true Alpha Man and we can really learn how to be an Alpha Man by studying any or all the stars that have played Bond over the years. Each one of them have carried their own brand of charisma, physical appearance, glances, presence, style of delivery of speech and most importantly none of them ever appeared "desperate" for women.
If you recall, in all movies, Bond is initially rejected and resisted by women, who think him to be a quintessential glib-talker and a professional Player. But ultimately it is his supreme confidence and die-hard stance that get him all that a man desires, women and government secrets!
2. Mel Gibson - Whatever your personal views are about this man, it is undeniable that he has left behind the mark of a true Alpha Man. From the enticing charm displayed in Lethal Weapon, to his body beautiful in Braveheart and Maverick, to the tall, strong and silent strength in The Road Warrior, you can not help but admire him. Also important to note is his typical alpha trait of hard-core aggression and initiative: he gets his movies made!
3. Richard Burton - A man who redefined style and manhood in totality. Hard to find another man who can add so much rugged, earthy style to such ordinary, everyday activity like smoking and drinking. And talk of feminine attracting charm - his eyes talked! I remember reading a photo essay of him next to his Lady Love Elizabeth Taylor. The photo caption read: "exuded complete, utter manliness". I could not agree with it more. What I call a complete man, see "Where Eagles Dare" to get a glimpse of the way he carried himself.
4. Abraham Lincoln - If you ever feel disheartened by failure, pick up an autobiography of this great man. He met several failures and turned each one into an opportunity till he became one of the greatest statesmen America has ever had. His stand on honesty and strength of character, is a lesson for all of us. And when it comes to women, he proves that the most deplorable one also gets laid.
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