
First Date Tips for Women who Use Online Dating Services

What if he is not what I am looking for? What if he looks different then on the
picture from online dating service? What if he is just playing games, and just
trying to get it on with me? Even though, we met online through the
online dating service, and had a
really nice conversation via e-mail, and IM; and find that still meeting someone
for the first time is nerve-racking! All these are legitimate concerns, we women
have before we actually meet someone outside, offline

First, you need to psychology prepare yourself in to this first encounter with
the person you’ve met online. To feel very comfortable, no matter what happens
on the date you must prepare yourself. If your mental and emotional state is
prepare this will be very important, it will lead the date to success or
failure. If you are positive, happy and confident, you will definitely get
winning points with the guy! Also, it’s good to be friendly and funny (if you
are those things!); it breaks the ice on your first meeting, and sets the mood
for the rest of the evening. Try to put all your bad dates from the past online
dating experience on hold, or on the top shelf somewhere; do not punish the guy
for all of yours unsuccessful blind dates!

So, when you are ready psychologically, the nest step is how you look! It is
important; of course to look your best on the first date, since the first
impression, is usually the last…Put on your best and sexiest attire, attractive
but not too revealing; As the saying goes” leave some things to his
imagination”. It’s best to put something on that makes you feel look good and
sexy, like dress or nice pens with the sexy top. When applying the make up,
always highlight you best features, and use the make up wisely. There are two
types of make up: daily and evening. The daily one is very simple, and usually
consists of some light color lipstick, sheer powder and perhaps some mascara.
The evening make is more subtle and pronounced. However, some women overestimate
the power of the evening, by putting way too much make up, trying to cover up
some imperfections, and bring attention by using too much color. Not a good
idea; you do not want to look like a clown.If you are not sure if you are using
too much make up, call your female friends, and see what they think. You should
put just enough to enhance your face characteristics and Features; like eyes and
lips; it is always the best to go with more natural colors, like brown and
beige. Of course, it all depends on your skin complexion, so make a good
judgment yourself.

When you arrive on the date, please be on time. We expect the guys be punctual,
so we should be doing the same. It is very impolite and rude to be late,
especially because you never met this person, and you can make him feel like you
do not care! It’s best to meet somewhere half way, so you both feel comfortable
and fare. Choose the place wisely, meet somewhere in the bar area of the
restaurant or a launch for a casual drink, so it doesn’t not feel like an
obligation if you do not click with this person in real life, and you do not end
up having dinner, and tortured yourself through the meal.

If the conversation sparks right away, especially considering that your guys
already clicked online, and you feel mutual attraction, comfort and excitement;
move your date further to a dinner. The good way to start a conversation would
be a topic you left off while chatting online, and then move on to the rest of
the usual first date subjects. Try to stay in present moment, do not try to
escape in to your past, getting carried away in to your previous relationships.
Be less judgmental, and more receptive and open. Try to listen and participate
in the conversation; do not get in to lectures and philosophies…Do not try to
overpower your point in the conversation, it’s not a competition.

Also, do not try to figure everything out about this person (men) all on the
same night; give him also some time to open up, and take one step at the time.
There will be another date. And most importantly, do not overanalyze him and his
life; he did not come down from the moon, and he’s obviously had prior life
before you, so do not stress yourself out
about things that happened before you met online
dating service. Just go with the
flow, and let things happen naturally…If there is chemistry, it will all work
out, and there will be a second successful date!

If your date is paying for your drinks and for your dinner, it’s nice to thank
him, and perhaps buy him a drink, as a nice gesture to show that you really
appreciated his kindness! End the night with a nice hug and may be a kiss
(whatever you feel like at the moment), another thank you for the evening would
be appropriate!
Good luck to you,

Tanya Wiseman
Online dating service and dating advice tips los angeles singles
Tanya brings online dating to the streets


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