By Ronnie Ann Ryan
Dating in Mid-Life Can Be Daunting
If you've been out of circulation for a while and are newly single, the idea of dating can be daunting. You may have many concerns about starting again in mid-life, never mind the emotional baggage that comes from a break up or divorce. Never the less, you are thinking about meeting new people. As a dating coach, let me start by saying, "Hooray!" and "Good for you." Breaking out of non-dating inertia is more than half the battle.
Yet, dating in mid-life is far more complicated then when you were in your 20's. There are many reasons this is true. First of all, by the time you reach your 40's, you have established the way you live life. You have habits, patterns, methods that you follow. Plus, there are responsibilities like children, pets, aging parents, and career that take up the majority of your free time. And let's not forget about household chores, exercise, personal care and volunteer work.
Who has Time to Date? So who has time for dating? How are you supposed to fit another activity into your crazy, busy life? There's only one way � you make time. If meeting someone special is truly your goal, you will need to carve out space in your calendar and commit to getting out there.
Dating is a Lifestyle Choice Looking for a loving relationship is actually a lifestyle choice. The truth is you could live a very happy, full life as a single woman. And many women do choose this � which is great. But if you want to date, understand it is a conscious choice you are making. That means if you want to achieve your goal and find a new man, you'll need to invest in the process to get there.
Create a Plan to Meet People Something's gotta give right? So in order to squeeze socializing into your schedule, there will be something else that falls by the wayside. Acknowledge this seemingly obvious fact right now. Then begin to create a plan for meeting new people. How often will you go to singles' events? Will you try online dating and how often will you log on to check your account? The good news is that you are in charge and can spend as little or as much time as you choose.
Dating is a Numbers Game However, stating that you want love and whining that you don't have time is a contradiction that can erode your self-esteem. Because the truth is, people make time for what they truly want. So admit that you really want a man in your life, carve the time out of your calendar, and follow through by attending the selected events. Dating is a numbers game �the more men you meet, the better your chances of finding the right man for you.
Now is the Best Time to be a Single Adult The good news is, there has never been a better time to be a single adult. In the history of the world, this is the very first time that so many adults are single in mid-life! Why wait around complaining and doing nothing about having a partner? Get in the game, because just like the lottery, you can't win if you don't play.
Take a Chance on Love Roll the dice and make time to look for love. Once you find him and the love you dream of, you'll realize how every moment invested in your search was completely worth it! From what my successful clients have to say about falling in love, and what I know from my own personal journey to meet and marry my husband, chances are very strong that your efforts will be richly rewarded.
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