Men and women alike have a predisposition to overlook some key behavioral patterns of their new partner. When the relationship takes on a sour note comes the sad remark 'Had I only known…' but it's already too late, what should have been prevented happened already.
Psychotherapists reveal that in most of their counseling sessions with members of the same sex in the field of domestic violence there is a clear indication that victims of domestic violence can always trace back repulsive and sometimes dangerous character traits of their partners to the very beginning of the relationship.
Early Warning Signs to look out for and be wary of in a new partner.
1.Irritable over petty matters and very antagonistic when having arguments.
2.Subjecting you to humiliation and calling you names when the two of you are alone.
3.Makes insulting remarks about you in front of others in complete disregard of your feelings.
4.Sadistic lovemaking and making you perform sexual acts you do not like.
5.Deciding where and when to go without consulting you
6.Limits your time with your friends and family but forces you to socialize with his/her friends; belittles your accomplishments and does not recognize your areas of expertise.
7.Openly flirts with the opposite sex but accuses you jealousy when you object.
8.Prone to tantrums and destructive behavior.
A red flag warning should automatically be raised when your partner comes on zealously in the beginning of your new relationship, tries to sweep you off your feet, and wants an exclusive relationship too quickly.
A lot of women are thrilled at the intensity of a man's open display of an apparent need for an immediate connection and thus overlooking its inappropriateness. However, this should not be misconstrued as 'love at first sight' wherein one or both parties feel an instant and strong connection - without any of the aforementioned behaviors.
If the man in your life shows evidence of any of the above attitudes or behavior - be aware that the relationship will not get better, it might just get worse. Very likely, he will even be reluctant to discuss his emotions because he feels that women are inferior.
If this is the case, the best course of action is try to get out of it as soon as possible to prevent any unlikely event like physical abuse or emotion
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