
10 Striking Ways On How To Get Yourself Ready For Dating & Relationships

The following are 10 striking tips & tricks on how to get yourself ready for dating & relationships. Use them wisely and you will be bound to have fun and triumph in the dating arena.

1.Pamper Yourself First!

Do the things that make you feel contented and good, and then when you have more you can share them with others.

2.Be Clear of What you are looking for.

If your primary reason for dating is to get into a meaningful relationship, you have to clearly define what you want to achieve in the relationship. Clarity brings balance between hope and fear. Jot down the qualities you want most in your partner in a long-term relationship. Then pick the 10 that are non-negotiable must haves otherwise you'll get stuck.

3.Go for the Essentials.

Be definite about your personal values. Use them as your guidelines in evaluating if a relationship is right for you or not. Your values are your personal operating system. They can only be compromised with your agreement.

4.Know Thyself.

Know yourself, your strengths and weaknesses, your dreams; when you can confidently talk about whom you are, you attract what you want most AND people around you will help you get it - because you've told them! The clearer you are about what you want - the more others understand and can help you get it.

5.Positive Attitude Goes a Long Way.

If your view of dating or finding a partner is negative you are effectively closing the door to opportunities. You should have a positive attitude, it makes a big difference. By adopting a positive attitude you create space for infinite possibilities in your life.

6.Have Supportive People Around.

Get help and support from family and friends who want the best for you. Having supportive, reassuring people in your life is important in bringing out the best in you.

7.Validating Feelings

Validate your feelings with the people around you. When you are happy, how do they feel? When you are sad, how do they react? Be aware of your positive and negative feelings and how they affect those around you. Awareness of how you affect others opens up areas of improvements.

8.You can be Interesting!

You had a private life before you started dating and began a relationship, keep doing things that interest you and involve your partner. Do not allow a new relationship to deprive you of what you enjoy doing and your friends.

9.What's in a Relationship?

In a relationship, you should always be in the learning mode. Examine and evaluate patterns of behavior that may be detrimental and be on the look out for new ones that can lead to healthy and happy relationships.

10.Trash the Excess Baggage!

Clean your personality closet of your negative attitude. Stop feeling sorry for what was, let it go! You have the opportunity to start anew and get exactly what you really desire.


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