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When will He Divorce Her?
It's a common question. A person (most often a woman) waits and waits for a man to divorce his wife and begin a public relationship with her. He always seems on the verge of doing so, or, at least has good reasons for putting it off.
When will he divorce her? If the question has to be asked, then the answer is probably, "Never." The question implies that it has already been too long and that the promises are not being kept.
Why would a woman hang on, when it would appear to most outsiders that there is little chance of him leaving his wife and marrying his mistress?
The answer is never simple. Every person has their own story. However, it is usually some kind of emptiness story. It may be a woman in an empty marriage, waiting for the fulfillment promised with her lover. It may be a single woman unsure of her worth and glad to receive what attention she can. It may even be a very accomplished woman that has "fallen" for a man that "sweeps her off her feet" and then won't come through with the finish of the story.
In each case, there is the initial titillation of playing the hide-and-seek game. While this game grows old for the woman, it continues to provide adrenaline and thrill to the man. This is a reinforcement for continuing with things as they are. He may feel like the guilty school boy, but there is a large part of him that enjoys it.
It's not that he doesn't care for her. He undoubtably does. But he also cares for his wife, his children, his home, his car, his career, and hisgood standing in the community. He cares, but not for her alone. It is obvious from his behavior.
You might wonder how a couple could allow themselves to get into such an untidy if not immoral position to begin with. It's been my experience that, except for the serial cheaters, most couples slide into these relationships through companionship, not expecting anything more to come of it. Some get there because their values allow a casual fling and they find themselves much more deeply attached than they ever intended.
So, what do you do, if you're asking about when he will divorce her?
You could expose your relationship with him, hoping this will force his hand and he will leave her. Alas, he probably won't. You'll probably just force them into marriage counseling together.
Your best option is to find a life for yourself apart from him. Very few people can leave a relationship without another to go to. So, force yourself to date others. Attempt to find relationships that promise as much or more than the one you are waiting upon.
If you are married, then get to work on that relationship. See a marriage counselor. Work out your issues in the context of your existing relationship before trying to move on to another.
Oh, and what if he does divorce her? He cheated once (with you), why would you ever trust that he wouldn't cheat again, this time on you?
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What To Know About Online Dating
The online dating trend has become one of the easiest ways to meet people you may have something in common with whether just as friends or prospectively more.
Trying to find someone with like interests or even with your certain type profile has never been easier when all you have to do is upload a picture or your self and fill out your profile, and wait. Or if you're really out going you can brose for prospective dates and contact them through dating sites.
There are many wonderful people in the world which you would have never had the chance to meet before the digital era. This opens a huge door when it comes to trying to find the right partner for you. There are many internets dating website all over the internet.
How do you go about picking the right one, well each one of them has a free search so if you find a lot of people on one site who are in you local range then that site is for you. Many online dating sites do change a minimal fee but if you meet wonderful people who you can have a lasting friendship with or even the love of your life what's a few dollars when it comes to the wealth of happiness.
No matter if you a women or a man you should always be cautious about people you don't know, even if you have been talking to a person for along time and feel as if you know them very well you should still take a few friends with you when you meet for the first few times. Taking friends with you allows for an easy transition out of the first awkwardness, and it also keeps you safe. Don't ever give out your personal information to anyone you haven't spent some time with and gotten to know very well.
Many online dating services offer you high quality screening of members because your safety is a major concern to them. Many of the websites ask members to reveal the personal back ground or criminal information, and if they are already married or not, along with what type of relationship they are looking for. If a member doesn't obey the rules of the online dating website may ban a member for not following the rules, or even post negative warning with in your feedback.
What to do when meeting a prospective date online? Well it's clear that one should be respectful, be a good listener, and honest. If you male pay attention to the conversation women leave clues at to what types of men they want, what kinds of things they like. For instance if you ask her what her hobbies are? And she replies by saying she loves to dance, and watch movies. Your next question would be what kind of movies. When and if you ever go on a real date remember she loves to dance. So take her dancing.
If you the women in the relationship take some time to answer his questions but remember to ask him about what he likes and desires from a relationship many men really get into women who don't constantly talk about themselves. Overall have fun and always remember to be safe when participating in online dating.
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Divorced Dating: Getting Back Into The Scene
Most people are hesitant to get back into a relationship after their divorce has been finalized. After all, many divorces result in hurt feelings and you may need time to overcome those types of emotions. Divorced dating can be a tricky situation to get into. There is no need to date before you are ready. You could have been in a really bad relationship. You could have been married for decades and have no idea what to even expect out of the dating scene anymore. A divorce is usually an irreparable conflict of personalities, not to be confused with someone's desire to be single. Most people don't want to be single for the rest of their lives. They seek the companionship of another.
Divorced dating is something you must be absolutely sure you are ready for before you begin. Before you start looking for a date, you must first decide what you want. Are you looking to get into another serious relationship, or do you just want a casual connection? On a first date, it is necessary to let the person you are out with know your intentions. This will prevent mixed signals or giving them the wrong idea altogether. Honesty is always the best policy. There are many seeking only the dating experience and also many who want security in a serious relationship; possibly leading to a steady date or even marriage.
Let the person you are out with know that you are divorced. Divorced dating can be a strange, or even intimidating situation to be in. If you have children, you should prepare them before you enter back into the dating world. It may be easier for them to see mom/dad with someone else if they know what to expect. Children naturally want "mom and dad" to get back together. One needs to consider these feelings in the children and explain that it is probably not going to happen.
Divorced dating does not mean you have to date another divorcee, although it can be an interesting thing to have in common. You have to be prepared for bad dates, because they are almost inevitable. The experience of being married will be an advantage that allows you to know exactly what you want or don't want in a new partner. There is someone out there for everyone; it just may take a while to find the right person. Don't let it be discouraging; take it all with a grain of salt. Move slowly until you feel more and more confidence building up inside of you.
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Not In The Mood For Love?
Nothing can bring two people who truly care about one another mentally and physically together more than lovemaking. Passion can grow in your marriage; all it takes is a little planning and imagination. Avoid the dwindling love lives of other married couples. Take action now.
Honesty is the foundation to great sex. Both partners must be true to themselves and honest to their partners to get the most out of sex. Despite the passing of time and growth of culture, there is still an old adage that exists. It believes that women need love to get in the mood for sex, while men need sex to be able to get in love. Parts of this adage go on and provide some truths. Because women need "love" before sex - their needs are rooted in honesty a little more than that in men. Women need to know how they feel and be able to express when and how they want to make love by telling their husband.
When it comes to choosing the right time for lovemaking with your husband, here are four "don'ts":
1. If you aren't physically able to make love, don't. By creating a sense that you must have sex, you will gradually begin to lose the want to have sex. Further more, if sex becomes a "duty" this will do nothing more than distract the positive feelings you have for your husband. Instead of acting when your inner feelings are against it, simply and honestly explain to your husband that you cannot. Explain that you appreciate his urges and desires and pick a targeted time and place to make love in the future.
2. Avoid criticizing your husband if he decides to try something new that doesn't quite work so well for you. Variety is important to men, and it can be a very vulnerable thing for a man to even approach. So avoid slashing his confidence with criticism.
3. If your mind is somewhere else don't have sex with your husband. Choose a better place and time. Whether it was just a bad day at the office, problems with the kids, friends, or money - just give it time. Your honesty will be much appreciated and won't deter your will to make love when your mind is clear.
4. Never use resentment as a weapon to avoid having sex with your husband. Look back at number three. If you go too far and use your daily problems against your husband it will instantly put a hard lock to pick on your love life. Instead focus on communication and honesty. Find ways to talk about not having sex, and the times to have sex will begin to stack up.
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What Makes An “alpha Male” Truly Alpha? – Essential Characteristics I – Dating Advice For Men
What makes an alpha male truly alpha. Here are some essential characteristics.
1. Brains and not brawns anymore
The Alpha Man is fully aware that in modern times, men do not have to demarcate his territory, do not have to fight enemies to protect his home and hearth. Our times have encouraged a new breed of intelligent men who use wit and brains to dominate over people. The Alpha Man diligently follows this belief.
2. Knows his mind
The Alpha Man is completely focused on his mission in life and actively pursues it with single-minded devotion. A quick decision taker, he works towards fulfilling his pre-determined goals.
3. Man in a perpetual hurry
The Alpha Man has not a moment to spare, lose or waste. He has places to go to, people to meet, appointments to keep. Sorry, can't wait more than 15 minutes for a date to arrive. And regret, not interested in phone calls if it is on call waiting or hold. Call me back if you need me, for I can't.
4. I come first, and then my life and interests.
Rest of the world can follow. Not to be mixed up with being selfish or self-centered. The Alpha Man just sees his own interest first and what satisfies him. He hates being a martyr for other peoples' interest.
5. Creator of his own world
The Alpha Man firmly believes that there is nobody dependable enough to bring fun, joy and merriment into his life. So he creates a wonderful world for himself, a kind of bubble. When a new person walks into his life, he is absolutely sure that the person is impressed by his charisma.
6. Can do without an OK from others
The Alpha Man is very conscious that the world built by him is created for him, of him and by him. In that, he rules, he operates with his self-defined code of conduct, his own set moral values and lives exactly the way he wants to. The opinion of others, good or bad, hardly matter to him and he needs nobody's approval for running his life.
7. A natural risk taker
The Alpha Man works to make all his dreams come true. Any life that ends in regret is something he wants to avoid at all costs. If you have dreamt it, reach it. That's his aim.
8. Can be a good listener too
Yes the Alpha Man is "clever" enough to know how to play his card, when and where. Can put his emotional side under harness when he wants to and can listen out a long story at times. For he knows the ones who shout and brag about themselves, are normally insecure, shallow people.
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7 Great Ways To Propose Your Man
So you meet the man of your dreams. Usually it is the cafeteria or restaurant near your office, or the shopping mall or the jogging park.
And then comes a series of meeting. You like go out with him for movies, spend weekends. You decide that you feel great with him and can be the "Friends for Life."
Then you are stuck!! You think he loves you, but here's the Big Problem. You do not know for sure! You have searched for hints, asked him about his girlfriends, tried to find out if he misses you, talked about his views of life ……
Are you confused how to start the right relationship or propose to your man?
Everyone told you that it is a man's job to pop the question. But what if you have been dying to do so? Not to worry, go ahead. Just remember to follow these points.
1)Make him feel special.
Take him to his favorite restaurant. Request his special song to be played and order his favorite food. If he is comfortable and relaxed, you will have his attention.
2)Get him in a romantic mood
Invite him to your place and treat him to the best single malt. Make sure that you are dressed in your sexy best. Try something that is in good taste, like put on a soft music. And you should not be disturbed by unwelcome calls.
3)Catch him in the right spirit
Do Not propose to him on a day when he's had it bad at work. Or say, he's upset about something. Gauge his mood and only then go ahead. And again remember that being too sympathetic ruins things. On such a day, it is often wise to lend him a silent mental support. You are his best friend, and if he needs your time, gladly spend time without discussing about your relationship.
4)Give him subtle hints
It is best to let him know of your intention in advance. But do it subtly. Say for example, tell him, you need to talk to him about something important. It shouldn't come as a surprise.
5)Say it with confidence
Do not beat about the bush or show your nervousness. Look into his eyes and say it with confidence. He will love you even more for that.
6)Avoid Overdoing
Do not show your desperation. Otherwise you might lose your guy.
7)Be prepared for the worst
That is if it doesn't go the way you thought it would. Just don't cry before him.
All set? My good lucks to you.
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What Makes An “alpha Male” Truly Alpha? – Essential Characteristics Ii – Dating Advice For Men
What makes an alpha male truly alpha. More essential characteristis of the alpha men.
1. Aims for the sky
The Alpha Man knows that to stay ahead of his pack he can not relax and let life pass him by. He develops himself in every possible way, reads books, enriches himself everyday. Works hard at his pre-set goals with grit and determination. Relax? Plenty of it when you die. Right now, work, work and work.
2. Life is not to be taken too seriously
Life, for the Alpha Man is too short to be taken seriously. He is naturally gifted with one of the biggest talents - the ability to laugh at himself, and he does that often. He is gifted with excellent sense of humor which naturally draws people to him.
3. A calculated risk-taker
The Alpha does not bet blindly. Marking every step, every risk that he takes in life, he never risks more than he can afford to lose. Strikes a perfect balance of the risk and benefit and makes an internal checklist of the expected return of any venture.
4. Believes failures are pillars of success
The Alpha Man is fully aware that if you don't lose, you haven't tried. Learn to lose faster, so that you taste success faster too.
5. Women? Comes next to everything
Never his primary objective, women to the Alpha Man comes second in his priority of things. Women and sex are necessary evils in the evolution of the human race. They are to be treated as perks in an otherwise eventful life, steered through cautiously.
6. Values rationality
He normally works with the right side of his brain. Logical and rational, knows how to keep his upsurge of passion under control. Thoroughly knows his strengths and weaknesses and puts them to rightful use to live a better life glowing in success. He also knows his vulnerabilities and the probable pitfall areas well and practices self-discipline to dodge them and keep his mind and body needs under check.
7. Extremely knowledgeable about ego
Only insecure men flutter and flap their wings to protect their false images. Self-confident individuals do not have to do any such mundane activity, as ego is nothing but a self-created monolith, which dominates the mind. Alpha Men are aware of the danger of being led by the mirage of self-pride, which can only destroy a man. They concentrate on learning more and developing themselves further.
8. Sees the big picture
The Alpha Man has the vision to see beyond the ordinary. Has his eyes fixed on long term benefits rather than feel happy with short term gains. Never gets distracted by instant-gratification modules of money and women. He weighs the benefits of postponing short term happiness for something bigger that might be coming his way. This part will be covered later in greater detail.
9. Time & Tide wait for none
The Alpha Man values time as his biggest asset. More than money. Because you don't want to run after money till you reach your deathbed and lament that now there is no time to spend all that wealth. Never do anything to "kill" time. You are then "killing" yourself.
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Exemplary Alpha Men – Who Are They? – Worthy Role Models For Men
Giving below some of the notable Alpha Men of our times, who have set examples for us to follow. Go through them and see how you might incorporate some of their qualities into your own, to be irresistibly attractive to women. Pick and choose your role model:
1. James Bond - No, he is not a hackneyed name. He is a true Alpha Man and we can really learn how to be an Alpha Man by studying any or all the stars that have played Bond over the years. Each one of them have carried their own brand of charisma, physical appearance, glances, presence, style of delivery of speech and most importantly none of them ever appeared "desperate" for women.
If you recall, in all movies, Bond is initially rejected and resisted by women, who think him to be a quintessential glib-talker and a professional Player. But ultimately it is his supreme confidence and die-hard stance that get him all that a man desires, women and government secrets!
2. Mel Gibson - Whatever your personal views are about this man, it is undeniable that he has left behind the mark of a true Alpha Man. From the enticing charm displayed in Lethal Weapon, to his body beautiful in Braveheart and Maverick, to the tall, strong and silent strength in The Road Warrior, you can not help but admire him. Also important to note is his typical alpha trait of hard-core aggression and initiative: he gets his movies made!
3. Richard Burton - A man who redefined style and manhood in totality. Hard to find another man who can add so much rugged, earthy style to such ordinary, everyday activity like smoking and drinking. And talk of feminine attracting charm - his eyes talked! I remember reading a photo essay of him next to his Lady Love Elizabeth Taylor. The photo caption read: "exuded complete, utter manliness". I could not agree with it more. What I call a complete man, see "Where Eagles Dare" to get a glimpse of the way he carried himself.
4. Abraham Lincoln - If you ever feel disheartened by failure, pick up an autobiography of this great man. He met several failures and turned each one into an opportunity till he became one of the greatest statesmen America has ever had. His stand on honesty and strength of character, is a lesson for all of us. And when it comes to women, he proves that the most deplorable one also gets laid.
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The Elite Socializing Style For Modern Male – Dating Advice For Men
Alpha men realize the importance of "net working", especially when you want to go places in life. That is the reason the Alpha man has innumerable contacts and has a circle of well placed friends and associates. He takes care to maintain a very "social" lifestyle.
In your search for Ms. Perfect, don't abandon the rest of the world. This throws you off balance, and may prove to be unproductive in the long run.
There is a saying; don't forget the old in the glory of the new. Don't give up on your old ties, your long friendships just because you are dating a woman who you find extremely fascinating. Very often men ignore their men friends for the sake of over-focusing on a particular woman. That's not advisable.
Here are a few reasons why you need to keep your "old friends network" alive:
1)For a more balanced approach in life. You will feel more active and rejuvenated with old ties. So will your sense of self-esteem take a leap.
2) To keep away from getting over-obsessed with one woman, some distractions and digressions are healthy for your psyche. It's all about balance.
3)This will keep your woman interested in you for a longer time. Women love to see their men having a life of their own and their own circle of friends (male bonding).
4)You will be able to keep your doors and windows open. Meet other women through parties, get-togethers, etc.
5)It's your true friends who see you in the right perspective. Their views and opinions are extremely beneficial for keeping you on the right track.
6) When going through a bad patch, you need the support and friendship of trusted friends.
7)Get an opportunity to live long and happy. Studies show that people with a healthy circle of friends live long than those with few friends.
The moral of this short lesson is that when you start loving someone, don't stop loving the rest of the world. We have all met people, who, once they are into a relationship, abandon all his old friends. He is not to be "seen". Then when he is saturated with this new found love, he bounces back, looking for those same old friends to spend time. And wonders, "where has my entire friends gone, long time passing!"
Always remember this, you did not choose your family, you chose your friends. Family is always there, whereas friends are not. Family accepts you because there is no other way - friends accept you because they wish to. There lies the difference.
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The Dating Pool – Are You Swimming Yet?
Dating…isn't that a scene right out of High School? We're haunted by memories of our first date and the nervous tension that resulted from the anticipation of it: "Did I pick the correct outfit?" "Will I smell good to them?" "What will I say during those awkward moments of silence?"
Things haven't changed that much since High School. Often we ask the same question and still get that same sense of nervous anticipation before we embark on a first date with someone.
Dating can be a very intimidating time to even the most experienced, savvy dater. Recently, I asked both men and women who dated frequently (3-4 times a week on average) if they still had first date jitters. The same answer echoed through 93% and that was a resounding, "Yes!"
Amazingly enough, even those people who seem so confident; those who have an endless amount of dating potential as well as a line of prospective suitors, still get those first date jitters. So for those singles that still have troubling memories of their past dating experiences, how do you jump into the dating pool and begin to swim again?
Unlike swimming in a pool filled with water, don't dive into the deep end of the dating pool first, even if you remember how to swim. There may be sharks lurking, waiting to attack. It's always best if you start in the shallow end of the pool.
Put one foot in by heading to a charity event in your area. If you are nervous, as most of us are, prepare for your first encounter, just as you would when you are vying for a promotion at your work.
Practice ahead of time! Make up a little 3x5 flash card set with subjects you can converse on or questions that are conversation initiators (forget about the weather, that's a dried up subject).
Here are a few that you can use that are sure to spark some interest:
Talk about your family (positively)
Liven up the conversation with topics of any recent travels
Ask about their career and how they happened upon
Ask about their family (if they shy away, you need to also)
These are just a few topics. If you can't think of any yourself, pour over the Internet for resources on topics of conversation.
Where can you find a dating pool in your area?
Sporting clubs (the kind that you actually participate in sports)
Specialty courses at a junior college or community center
Coffee Café's
Grocery Stores (I talk about that in my book)
Again, this is just a few ideas. The most important thing when you're swimming in the pool is to avoid offensive behavior. That's determined by the pool you are in. Good luck and remember, start at the shallow end before you dive into the deep waters, a life vest may not be available.
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How To Attract Any Woman You Want
How do you attract a woman, no matter what you look like, how much money you have in your bank account, what social status you have? You too can attract a woman by knowing just the right things to do, say, and how to act. Knowing how to attract a woman is the first step in making your dating life that much more pleasurable and exciting, not to mention having dates in the first place.
Of course, we all know that there has to be some sort of physical attraction between a man and a woman for the relationship to work. This attraction does not necessarily mean you have to look like one of the Chippendale dancers. This attraction can be a number of things, your eyes, your smile, the way you carry yourself, your confidence, your sense of humor, or even your really great butt.
Women want a man who is attuned to how she feels, what she says, and what she needs. They do not want a man who is so full of themselves that all they do is talk about who they are and what they do, while at the same time looking around the room in search for another beautiful woman.
Knowing how to attract a woman includes paying complete and total attention to her and only her. A woman wants a man who is completely engrossed in the moment with her that you will not even notice the other gorgeous women that are in the same room. She wants to feel like you have eyes only for her, if you can accomplish this, you will definitely have hooked the woman and you will likely continue to date her.
Additionally, in knowing how to attract a woman, you will also need to know that many women want a real and solid relationship; they are not looking to just get laid to be blunt. Most all women believe that there needs to be affection, communication, and plenty of foreplay prior to any kind of sexual activity, studies show that these types of action is more important to any woman than the man's cute factor.
Being happy is the best way in learning how to attract a woman, a woman wants a man who is happy within this life. By being happy and having an enjoyable life a woman will be that much more attracted to you, this will cause her to believe her life will be that much more fun and interesting if you were in it. If you are unhappy with the life you are leading, you should work on it and keep it to yourself. A woman will not want to date a man who hates his life, job, parents, or himself.
In learning how to attract a woman, it is important you take to heart all of these key aspects. Doing so will help you lead a healthier and more active dating life, not to mention the sexual aspects as well.
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Date-safe Online
Online dating has become increasingly popular over the past ten years. Once thought of as a place where predators went to find innocent pray, it is now a place where many respectable people go to find singles with similar interests. Some online dating sites will want you to pay a monthly fee, whereas many are free. The ones which ask for money will help you narrow your search much more, and help you find people who are highly compatible with you. However, if you don't want to pay for a dating site, there is no need for it. There are many free online dating sites which include, Ok Cupid!, Plenty Of Fish, Date dot com, Dating Pool and countless others.
While online dating has become more mainstream and acceptable, you should still take precautions for your safety. Before meeting someone, you should ask to see a picture of them, and asking to see them on a web camera would be a good idea too. This ensures that they are who they say they are. You should also never give out personal information over the internet, such as a phone number or home address. If you decide to meet someone you met over the internet, arrange to meet at a public place, such as a mall or a park. This ensures that you will be able to call for help, or escape if you end up meeting someone who is not who they claimed to be, or if they turn out to be bad news.
Once you have met you're online dating partner in person and have decided that they are someone you would like to continue seeing, it should be safe to exchange phone numbers just like you would with someone you met at the bar or cooking class. As with any intimate relationship, you should take precautions before consummating your relationship, such as STD blood tests and the use of birth control. Since you don't know any of you're new partners past, this is a vital step. Meeting a new dating partner online is a fantastic way to meet new, like minded people, but just because they told you that they have been tested, you should still ask to see recent papers. Any responsible dater would tell you to do the same. If you're partner refuses to do this, perhaps you should rethink wanted to be with someone who cares so little about their health as well as your own.
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Online Dating: Why Should You Try It?
Interested in trying online dating but not really sure if it's for you, or how to even get started? Don't worry, you're not alone. In fact, many people feel a little "strange" when they first get into online dating. After all, just a few years ago few people were looking for dates on the internet and even fewer admitted to doing so.
The good news is that, in just the past couple of years, online dating has exploded around the world, especially in the US and Europe. Millions of people got sick and tired of trying to meet the right person at bars, clubs, and parties. Now they're doing it the easy efficient way -- online! Internet dating sites have definitely become the "smart" way to meet compatible people.
With millions of potential matches on the web, you're bound to find a few good candidates who have what you're looking for. Log into any big online dating web site and you can literally spend hours looking through profiles -- with photos -- of people who live in your area, are in the right age group, have the right hobbies/interests, etc.
One thing that makes online dating so great is that you have complete freedom to search for and contact only those people who appeal to you. No more blind dates and wasting perfectly good Friday nights. Also, you choose the time and place of your dates -- something you can't do with traditional dating services or "speed dating" nights. Finally, by posting a good profile online, you can allow interested people to contact you without giving out your email address, phone number, or address.
In the end, online dating is all about freedom, choices, and comfort. It saves tons of time and minimizes the amount of awkwardness usually involved in searching for and getting to know a knew person. In fact, you don't even have to meet someone face-to-face until you've become "email buddies." Some couples who found love on the web waited weeks or even months getting to know one another through email and phone calls before actually going out on a date. It's great being able to become friends with someone before that first live encounter!
Just about anyone who's single and lonely should definitely consider trying the online dating scene. As long as you're careful and take your time, you don't have much to lose. Just choose one of the popular dating sites, post a free profile, and go for it!
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Dating Ideas - Success Mantra For Online Dating
So, you have got the concept of online dating and are raring to go. You also know the way to online dating. That is, by registering on the dating sites, you are where you want to be. Now, you need to have dating ideas to hit the nail right on the head. Dating ideas will facilitate your safe and smooth transition into the online dating world. Without loosing anytime, lets begin our discussion on online dating rules.
Online Dating Ideas
Following are some key dating ideas that may help you realize your goals in the realm of online dating:
Photograph: Upload your latest and attractive photograph on the dating site. Placing your photo on the site is likely to attract more response than a profile without a photograph. Reason being that two people interacting with each other should have a face to imagine rather than having something abstract in mind.
Updating: You should login regularly into your online dating account to get yourself noticed more. Also, keep updating your profile and photograph so that the others have a better picture of you. Keep updating your profile greeting with all the interesting things happening in your life.
Confidence: Be confident when dating online. Do not feel guilty about what people will think of you or that people will consider you as an offline dating failure resorting to online dating. Online dating is an open world now where many people are participating with confidence. This is no more a taboo zone.
Original: Be original in online dating. Project yourself in an original and creative fashion. Relate those aspects of yours that are generally not mentioned by people in their profile. This will make your profile stand out.
Honesty: Honesty is the best policy no matter what century. Be honest about yourself in online dating. Do not lie. You may resort to not commenting on some personal question rather than lying. When your lies will surface, you may loose genuine relationships.
Correspondence: Always acknowledge the receipt of the response you get in your dating email account. When replying, keep your tone polite and light. Also, clearly mention in your reply if you intend to carry on or not.
Group dating: You may resort for group dating with your friends. You may create your own activity group or may join some already created one with your friends.
The above mentioned dating ideas provide you a basic framework of dos and don'ts when dating online. They are not exhaustive and there may be other dimensions also that you may encounter practically. Also, be careful, unscrupulous minds too may be at work.
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New To Lesbian Sex Dating?
Then know the terminology ….
The world of lesbians is a woman to women love or sex. However, lesbians have varied physical attributes and sexual orientations that define their characteristics and predilections. This becomes apparent if see lesbian personals. Lesbian love and romance is as strong and possessive as that between straight singles or couples.
The following terminology or glossary of lesbian terms should make their lifestyle much clearer to people who know little about lesbian sex or Lesbian dating.
Amazon: is a name for a particularly strong lesbian woman.
Baby Dyke: A young lesbian or someone who is just coming out of the closet.
Lesbian Beard: A "beard" is a person of the opposite sex who marries or dates a closeted lesbian to cover up their homosexuality. In the past, often lesbians married gay men so that both could "pass" as straight, either for work or for their families.
Boi: is a woman who is biologically female, but has a boyish appearance or presentation. A boi may be lesbian identified or s/he may be trans identified.
Bulldyke: A very masculine lesbian.
Butch or Stone Butch: A woman who adopts what would be considered masculine characteristics.
Crone: In lesbian circles is a wise older woman whose life experience demands that she be treated with respect.
Diesel Dyke or Bulldaggers: is a very butch or manly lesbian and very aggressive.
Dyke: Another word for lesbian women. Usually is only used by people who are gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transsexual.
Femme Fatale: A gorgeous female who is sexually very attractive and has the killer looks.
Gold Star Lesbian: is a lesbian who has never slept with a man and, does not intend to sleep with a man ever.
Lipstick Lesbian: is a woman who loves other women, but also loves her clothes and makeup and shoes. She tends to dress on the femmy side.
Lone Star Lesbian: is someone who has only had sex with one person in their life.
Pansexual: is someone who is attracted people of many genders.
Pillow Queen: is someone who likes to be on the receiving end of sex. She likes to be pleasured and not reciprocate.
Power Dyke: is a lesbian who has gained a position of power within the LGBT community. She could be the head of a non-profit agency, a politician or successful in business.
Boston Marriages: Many women, particularly those who were college educated, lived in long-term unions with other women. These relationships became known as Boston Marriages.
The use of lesbian terminology is between lesbians themselves or bisexual women and men and gays who understand lesbians as sexual encounters between them often take place.
Hello, I am John Waltzer. I am a freelance writer and web designer. I have published number of article online on Internet. I have written on">lesbian personals and"> lesbian dating human sexuality, dating in general and relationship.
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Learning How To Find Your Blissful Marriage
Today marks 19 years of marital bliss for my husband and I. However, "bliss" as defined by Merriam Webster, and "bliss" as defined by a marriage veteran would be defined in very different ways.
The dictionary version is brief, "complete happiness, paradise, heaven." This type of bliss is short-term in duration. So 19 years of marital bliss would seem like a conflict in terms. However, let's consider the "veteran" portion of the viewpoint.
Marriage Veteran
When I think of an armed services veteran I think of someone who is brave, puts the needs of their country over their personal needs, committed, determined to win, honest and willing to sacrifice for the greater good.
A marriage veteran would possess similar qualities. Their bliss would include passing through the challenge of merging two lives into one that is better, yet not loosing the individuality of either life.
What Really Is Bliss?
Bliss would include the courage to allow the evolution of the individual and partnership. It includes give and take, but may seem like there is more giving than taking, but that's okay.
Blissful experiences would include early morning snuggling, late night laughing, walks in the woods and enjoying a sunset.
However, blissful experiences would also include journeys that are difficult like working together to insure that income is sufficient to cover outflow, and trusting your spouse to choose you over other distractions of the world. It is often when these journeys are completed that the blissful moment comes.
Marital bliss takes on a whole new meaning when children enter the scene. It is broadened to include a heart expanding love that you didn't know you possessed, and new veteran opportunities that may smell, leak, cry and hug. (This description includes both babies and teenagers!)
Marital bliss isn't a perfect marriage, but the perfecting of two individuals who are better as one.
Truly Committed Marriages
Does marital bliss last past the honeymoon? In a truly committed marriage the bliss takes on different forms and lasts a lifetime. So why doesn't marriage always feel like bliss? We all know that anything worth doing well, isn't very easy and that means that bliss can be painful.
When questioned about troubled marriages, Dr. Phil responded, "...overall people in America quit too soon. Too many people are divorcing these days around the 2 year mark saying that marriage just wasn't what they expected and they're worn out."
Worn out! Most couples don't even know what worn out means until they've gotten a minimum of 2 children through their toddler years! Marital bliss means you are in it through the long haul. Knowing joy, pain, love and sorrow will be an intrical part of that journey.
Amazingly, my blissful marriage includes Websters definition as well. I've found "complete happiness" because my husband has helped make me complete. I'm in "paradise" when I'm in his loving and protecting arms, and "heaven" when he tenderly touches my face and expresses his love to me.
So where are you in your journey of marital bliss? Whether you are just finishing your honeymoon, or welcoming a great grand child into the family circle, bliss is what you choose to make make it a grand experience and enjoy the journey!
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Match Dating: Do You Find Love?
It is a big question that haunts one and all. Love is something that you rarely find or discover. It is something that happens. “Yes just happens.”
I am talking about love that is zealously possessive of one’s lover, difficult to comprehend and throws you into a trance. Love that generates extreme warmth caring and at times uncontrollable fits of jealousy and rage. Love that is truly blind. Believe me, “This is love”. And, very few are lucky enough to experience this love.
What a dating site on Internet can deliver is loads of companions or friends. And, who knows? You may discover love among your newfound friends. Love that has been evading you. The initiative of going for dating online is a very wise decision because of the large database that dating sites offer from all over the world and in your local area. The free personals offer much wider profiles on Internet, which is not possible in traditional brick and mortar services.
Online dating
definitely broadens your network of friends or companions. You do not find love in loneliness. Not certainly by being alone. No stranger is going to come across and say, “Hey I am in love with you!”
There so many things that clicks before love develops not just physical attraction. Relationship based primarily on physical attributes, as beauty and body, do not last long. Once the physical lust is exhausted, the relationship starts to crumble.
True love develops not in one go but with greater acquaintance, and then it explodes. Ask any single who has discovered love and he or she will tell you the same. Love is not infatuation that infects you in one go. It is a chemistry that comes into play-something very difficult to define. As has been seen for centuries that persons who hardly appear to be compatible in any which way, are the best lovers.
The relationship between stable long lasting Couples cannot always be defined, as people in love. For, matrimonial alliance is based on comfort, friendship, and family love. The greater importance here is of course to lively hood, companionship, stability, and family responsibilities – this is based on love all right but then the reader is not so naïve as not to understand which love I am talking about.
Take a shot offline or much better go online for dating and meet people, as many as you can, and then let things happen. If luck favors they will. Best of Luck!
Hello, I am John Waltzer. I am a freelance writer and web designer. I have published number of article online on Internet. I have written on dating and Couples human sexuality, dating in general and relationship.
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Online Dating: Whom?
Internet has given a phenomenal reach to people across the world. The speed of communication has surpassed limits of any technological change that has come about earlier. It has brought about a paradigm into picture that has changed the lives of millions all across.
The interactive Net has brought about a change in how people think, thanks to massive transmission of information that is taking place. The Net has undoubtedly become a meeting ground for the humanity. The messaging is electric fast, far removed from the painfully slow snail mail, and it comes packed with anonymity if one wants so.
The wonders of Internet has transferred the social lives of people and consequently relationship building process what we call dating or in terms of being online on www it is called online dating. All benefits of Internet automatically transfer down to this matchmaking process or Internet dating. Along with benefits come loads of issues pertaining to one’s security and safety vis a vis the option of anonymous existence that the Net offers to its users.
Coming straight to the point there may be a devil lurking in the adult personals ads that you would seek on dating site to make a match on Internet. The profiles can be anonymously added to the online personals, as is the norm in order not to disclose your identity in the first instance to all members. However, one aspect should be clear after you have judged on the surface the true nature of your prospective date you should disclose him or her, your identity whence you decide to meet, or earlier, if sufficient confidence building has taken place.
One has to be cautious when dating online since face-to-face meeting may come after very little communication has taken place online. There are few safety precautions you can take while meeting a relatively unknown person that will make your online experience in dating a happy one.
First, be sure you are a member of a reliable online dating service, which has some means of screening profiles, or verifying personal information or contact details. Check profiles in other dating sites if possible for a con usually will be in other personals ads displaying a different profile and if so then distance yourself immediately.
Online dating is fun and productive if you take some basic precautions. It is a better method for discovering dream dates than the conventional methods employed before the advent of Internet. So go ahead and succeed.
Hello, I am John Waltzer. I am a freelance writer and web designer. I have published number of article online on Internet. I have written on online dating and adult personals, human sexuality, dating in general and relationship.
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Gay Dating And Lifestyle
The popularity of gay lifestyle is evident from the number of gay dating sites that has sprung up on Internet in recent times. It is a blessed platform for closeted gays to contact gay males for gay sex, romance and love relationship as anyone else would wish for.
Out Personals, Queer - these words characterize gay lifestyle, which till today is not an accepted mode of life to a large populace on this planet. Even in modern, fast-paced societies where liberal attitudes and sexual liberation are a norm, gay men are looked down upon.
Country politics and social caretakers indulge in raging debates on gay lifestyles and gay rights in discussion forums, parliament, and conventions. There is a marked hesitancy in accepting gays in government services and other public enterprises, though some nations have accorded acceptance but more has to be done.
The crux is that homosexuality is in practice since ages and it is still as popular, without any signs of receding or vanishing from the face of earth. Then why not accept it since it does not impinge on anyone’s privacy or way of life. Nor is it detrimental to the society since gay dating lifestyle is a much-closeted practice.
I am not advocating gay life as a gay-which I am not-but what I want to stress is that everyone has a right to express his or her sexuality and practice as long as it does not hurt others.
The reason behind ridicule or sneer of gay lifestyle is that it is a biological aberrance as sex is for procreation and a man-to-man sex does not give birth to new being. But then, anal sex practice is not limited to gay couples only, it is much practiced by straight couples too, so what is funny.
Sex is for procreation but it is for pleasure too, and any which way you can. Therefore, “Out” sex practice is not restricted to guys only but rather practiced by straight lifestyle followers in some way or the other. So live and let live.
Hello, I am John Waltzer. I am a freelance writer and web designer. I have published number of article online on Internet. I have written on gay dating, human sexuality, dating in general and relationship.
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Dating Your Coworker Or Boss, Is This A Good Idea?
That’s a million dollar question! Dating your coworker or boss, someone you see at least five days a week, eight hours or more a day, why not? Well, that depends if dating your coworker will create problems in the workplace for you. Probably not a good idea to date your boss, this could cause problems for you down the line.
Imagine, you’re in the company cafeteria talking to your coworker that you date. Sally and John just walked into the cafeteria and they immediately start staring and whispering to themselves about the both of you. You know they’re talking about you because they look in your direction continuously while they whisper.
You and the coworker you date, feel very uncomfortable with Sally and John’s reaction to you having lunch together. You think to yourselves that it may have been a mistake for you to have lunch together in the cafeteria where you work.
You’re now going to be the topic of your other coworkers conversation you believe, thanks to Sally and John who are known in the workplace as the king and queen of gossiping at your job. Both of you now wonder if the two of you should be dating and what were you thinking when you decided to have lunch together in the company’s cafeteria.
What type of problems could dating your coworker or maybe your boss cause? Well, what if you get into an argument at home or while you are on a date, when you go back to work you have to see that person almost everyday! If that person is your boss, then you could possibly loose that promotion you worked so hard for or maybe you have to walk on eggshells while you’re at work! This could make you feel very uncomfortable.
Or, if you’re getting along well with the coworker or boss you’re dating, your coworkers may think when they see you together that you may be getting special treatment. Especially if the boss you are dating favors you and gives you a promotion. This could cause a problem for the both of you.
If you just have to date your coworker or boss, consider keeping your personal relationship outside of the workplace! When you participate in this type of relationship, keep it professional in the office and personal outside of workplace. This is key in keeping the work place rumor mill to a minimum on having information about you and your coworker dating.
Only you will know if dating your coworker or boss will be a good idea for you. If you don’t believe this will cause a problem, then go for it! There are many people that have found their soul mates in the workplace. So do what makes you happy, after all you are in control of your own destiny and love life.
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How To Avoid Conflicts In Your Marriage
No matter how happy a married couple looks like, their marriage is not without occasional conflicts. Having conflicts in marriage life is normal. It is brought about by the natural differences of the couple. However, if the gravity and frequency of conflicts inside a marriage keeps on elevating to new heights, the risk of destroying the marriage is always there.
Keeping a healthy marriage is the key towards avoiding marital conflicts. Listed below are some advices which apply to different situations related to conflict resolutions inside marriage.
-Mind the person, not the differences
Most often than not, serious marriage conflicts are related to smaller things that add up and eventually burst. Marriage entails that the spouses love each other for who they are and small annoying things should be taken for granted. Understanding each other especially with little things will help strengthen the relationship and give a general sense of belongingness to both the spouses.
-Do not compare
It is never a good idea to compare your spouse with the spouse of others, even if it is intended for fun. The grass ain't greener on the other side of the fence. There's good and bad in all people, but the problem is that people tend to see the bad traits in their spouses. Marriage means belongingness and spouses should make their partners feel that they belong together.
-Stay in love
Entering in marriage does not mean the end of fun. Couples tend to be more serious when they enter in marriage, thus, leaving out all the passion and the fun. Keeping the feeling of being in love is the main foundation of a successful marriage.
However happy a couple is inside a marriage, there will come a time when they will face conflicts. But being in conflict with each other is not the end of it all. Here are some more useful advices in dealing with conflicts in marriage.
-Control instincts
People tend to resort to anger, hatred and disrespect when confronting their partners. Remember that conflict resolution does not necessarily have to entail violence and hurt. Talking with an open heart and an unclouded mind will really help resolve the conflict.
-Reaffirm one another
Couples should reaffirm their willingness to resolve the conflict by saying in their own words what the other one is saying and act according to the resolutions which were made.
Differences do not necessarily have to end in conflicts and conflicts do not necessarily have to end in a cold and heartless marriage. Always find love in marriage and everything will fall in place.
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Online Dating - Stand Out From The Crowd!
It's now a well documented fact that over the last three years, online dating has become arguably the most popular activity on the net. This being the case, how do you stand out from the crowd when you first sign-up to your chosen site? Remember, popular dating sites attract hundreds, and in many cases, thousands of new members every day which makes it all the more difficult for your profile to get noticed by prospective partners with whom you might be compatible.
If you follow these 10 simple steps, I guarantee that your online dating experience will be a successful and emotionally rewarding one:
1. Complete your profile. This sounds obvious doesn't it? Well, you'd be amazed at how many people can't even be bothered to even complete the tick-boxes when creating their on-line identity. If you make it obvious that you couldn't care less how your profile appears to other members, you can't really complain if no-one can be bothered to respond to you.
2. Choose an appealing username. Your 'Username' is your on-line name as opposed to your actual one. Make it snappy and 'fun' and if it says something about who you are, then that'll get you noticed. For example, if you work in a creative field, then something like Mr Creative or ArtLover will reinforce the point.
3. Don't be modest. Remember, you're trying to sell yourself to complete strangers so if you think you're pretty darn attractive, then now is the time to shout it from the roof-tops. Similarly, if your successful in whatever field you work in or if you've been blessed with artistic skills or sporting prowess, then say so.
4. Sound interesting. If you describe yourself using anodyne, bland terms like 'nice person' or 'various hobbies', then these will have no real meaning with anyone who is reading them. Most people are 'nice' and most people have 'hobbies'. Avoid the 'so what' factor at all costs.
5. Omit the negatives. If you're feeling a bit low and lacking in confidence after a recent break-up or messy divorce, then you mustn't convey this in your profile. No-one will want to mail you if you make it obvious that you have the weight of the world on your shoulders. Sound upbeat, confident and happy in your life and you'll find that this will resonate with people who are browsing your details - sound miserable and people will give you a wide berth.
6. No sexual innuendo. This might seem obvious to most of you reading this, but a great many guys actually try and sell themselves using suggestive or inappropriate terminology. If you go down this path, you'll be ignored by everyone else on the site - guaranteed.
7. Upload a photo. This point is absolutely imperative in the online dating marketplace. 95% of people who join dating sites only search for members who have bothered to include a photo with their profile. After all, you want to see what other people look like so it stands to reason that other people will want to know what you look like too. If your pic isn't a particularly flattering likeness, you can always say so in your profile. And don't use an abstract, an image or a cartoon. Only a full facial shot of yourself will get you noticed.
8. Be proactive. Don't just join a site and wait for other people to make contact with you; search for members using your chosen criteria (age/gender/location etc) and when you come across someone with whom you think you might be compatible, then write to them and tell them why. If you're serious about finding romance at your dating site of choice, then don't sit around waiting for Mr or Miss Right to drop in your lap.
9. Write great emails. This rule particularly applies when you're mailing someone for the first time to introduce yourself. Don't just say 'I like you, please write to me', take a few moments to respond to specific points in the profile of the person to whom you're sending a message. If you come across as interested and interesting, you're message is more likely to generate the kind of response that you're hoping for.
10. Log-in regularly. On most dating sites, when you log-in to your account pages, your profile will automatically move to the top of the search listings making it that much easier for other people to notice it. Also, the more often you visit the site, the more you'll be able to keep up to speed with the latest members, any one of whom could be just the person you're hoping to meet.
So there you have it - none of the above is rocket-science, just plain common sense. So when you join the millions of singles worldwide who are embracing the online dating revolution, make sure that you stand out from from the crowd and a new and exciting romance could just be a mouse click away!
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Advice For Success On Online Dating Sites: Writing An Effective Profile, Include A Photo
Do you remember ‘Show and Tell?’ The anticipation and excitement you felt when you were five years old and it was your turn to show your favorite possession and then tell about it?
When you join an online dating service, you have much the same feeling of anticipation and excitement. The prospect of having people approve of you and possibly accept you as someone they want to have around them is exhilarating.
But how do you create a powerful and perfect online dating profile? We have all heard that honesty is the best policy…It is. Be honest. The person you are trying to attract will eventually agree to meet you if you have written an eye catching profile.
Statistics show that people can only keep up a façade of playing someone other than themselves for 3-6 months. Do you want to find Mr./Mrs. Right only to lose him/her because you have become Mr./Mrs. Wrong to them? Adhere to the honesty policy.
Be clever and funny, but be sincere. If you’re funny, then show it in your writing. Don’t tell someone you’re funny, e.g. “I’m funny and have a great sense of humor.” That won’t make them a believer.
Here is an example of something funny and clever. Football fans will enjoy this one. (This is not for your profile, but used as an example of funny lines I have used when talking to an audience.):
“If your partner is more concerned about that 3rd and 1 on television, than the 4th and 23 in your own living room, then you might be another statistic on the playing field of love. Tell them to not try for a 58 yard field goal, go for six instead.”
Do you see what I’m writing about? Word pictures are very powerful tools that help draw the reader in and help to reveal who you are and what you are about.
Another important aspect of your online dating profile is you. Show them a picture of you. A picture speaks volumes (as long as the listener is tuned in) about who you are. If you say you are sporty but have a picture of you sitting on a couch, what does that say? Use a picture of you on a bike, in a race, waterskiing, etc.
The eyes reveal a lot in a picture. If they sparkle with what’s called a “catch light,” the viewer will be more drawn to you. (A catch light is the little light that shows up on the pupil). If your eyes look suave, the viewer will probably click you away.
Make sure to do a spelling and grammar check before you post to an online dating site. Words that are spelt incorrectly and bad punctuation can tune a lot of people out and then they will click you off.
A few last words of advice: Forget about negativity in your profile and don’t talk about ex-relationships. That will give the reader a sense that you are a serial dater and perhaps a heartbreaker.
Avoid phrases like: “I don’t play games.”; “I love long walks on the beach, candlelight dinners, and romantic nights by the fire.” You can show them that when you meet them.
Every person I have surveyed in the past has said that lines such as the above are red flags and a sign that he/she is a “player.”
Online dating can be fun, exciting and successful, but be safe and enjoy the process. When you finally connect with someone on an online dating site, agree to meet at a coffee shop during the day. To your success in every way, every day.
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Net The Best Online Dating Results With Smart Choices
Being single in this day and age can be a real drag. It's hard to find the right guy or girl out there and sometimes it's even downright scary. The Internet provides lots of options to help people find the person of their dreams, but how can one navigate all the sites available and make sure they stay safe doing so? When it comes to single dating online, smart choices can net the best results.
Internet dating is a lot like meeting a man or a woman under any other circumstance. There are a few differences, however. Safety, here is paramount, just like in any other dating arena. When choosing the online route, here are some good guidelines to follow:
* Pick are reputable site for online dating. Make sure the location you choose to put out your information has been in business a while. Check into its background. Go only with those sites that give you maximum authority over who gets your information. Your profile is fine to share, but your personal information such as a telephone number or address is not - especially if you don't want it shared.
* Be honest. This is perhaps the hardest thing to overcome in online dating. Since people are basically anonymous in the online world, it's easy to tell little white lies. But if you truly want to meet the man or woman of your dreams, honesty is the best policy. Besides, if the online chats progress to a face-to-face meeting, he or she will find out you're not the blonde, bombshell athlete you said you were! Be smart and be honest.
* Check into backgrounds of the people you intend to meet in person. This doesn't mean you need to hire a private eye, but if something sounds fishy, it just may be. Take care with whom you agree to meet, ask for recent pictures, check into "stories" that sound to good to be true and take some time to get to know the person online first.
* Meet in public places. If you've agreed to meet your online sweetheart, don't let him or her pick you up at your house. Meet in a public place for maximum security. You don't really know the person and if you've met online neither do your friends. Be smart and make sure first dates are in "safe" locations.
* Make first dates semi-short. Since chemistry is a tricky and fickle thing, make sure your first date has some escaping routes. Go for dinner or a movie. Maybe both. Don't plan an all-weekend cruise. You may find yourself looking for the dinghy to make an escape if the chemistry isn't there!
Online dating is a great way to meet new people. The Internet opens up a world of possibilities that might not otherwise be there. There are some downsides to this form of dating though. The biggest is the ease with which people can fib. Be a little wary and use some good common sense in making actual dates and you can overcome this.
We all want to meet the man or woman of our dreams. Thanks to the Internet this has become a real possibility for many. Online dating is a great way to go, but exercising common sense is key.
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Renewing Passion In Your Relationship
Spring is the time when everything renews itself; it’s a time of new beginnings, feeling fresh and alive and a great time to make a conscious effort to renew the passion in your relationship.
Relationships go through cycles just as nature does and levels of passion will vacillate. In the early stages of love passion is a blazing inferno that can’t be put out and doesn’t require any work, but as the relationship progresses, passion will not stay alive without effort. And just as your garden or flowerbed need nurtured with love ,water and sunshine, your relationship needs nurtured as well.
Here are some great ways to keep the passion alive.
- Romantic gestures such as sensual cards or intimate gifts
- Show respect and appreciation
- Be adventurous and spontaneous
- Seek variety and creativity in lovemaking activities
- Express desire, love and affection
- Selfless behaviors (acts that are done purely for the satisfaction of your mate)
- Take your lover on romantic a date
And don’t forget that spring is the perfect time to enjoy some delicious outdoor sex. An outdoor tryst is one of the best ways possible to renew passion, because it combines several passionate
activities into one. Being naked outside elicits deep, primal, wild and uninhibited desires, it’s adventurous and can be spontaneous. With the right scenario you can make it romantic.
You can surprise your lover with an outdoor quickie, or a beautiful lovemaking event or plan a whole day of savoring. Get more creative by adding some role-play or pack a picnic basket with some of your favorite foods to play with, like strawberries or bananas, whip cream, ice cream or whatever you desire and feed each other like Kings and Queens or place it strategically on the body to be licked and eaten.
Nature provides you with a fantastic sexual playground to ignite passion, where different textures and varied places such as on the grass, in the water, bent over a stump, in the wind, hanging from a branch, on the sand, on flat land or on a hill etc. will enhance your sensations and provide you with the ability to maneuver many different positions and techniques. The whole world can become your bedroom.
For wildlife spring is the natural season of mating so take their cue, let the seduction of the elements turn you into wild animals and renew your passion to new heights.
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Online Dating tips on why we fail to find true love
I have a lot of friends (men and women) who are single; and I always think why these mature, intelligent, beautiful people can't they find anyone they can get along with. These are the friends I know for many years, and to me they seem like the type of people that any men or women would desire and be happy to meet, and date; the typical situation is going on numerous, endless blind and non-blind dates, and getting disappointed and many times crushed.
I have had a lot of conversations with my friends trying to analyze why this happened, and I hear the same things over and over again. Their past interferes with their present. They feel like they've been hurt before, so they set them self up for failure. I think some of my friends are so used to been disappointed with meeting new people, so they actually provoke their dates, without really giving them a fare chance! With some of my female and male friends I see the same patterns of sabotaging the date for the failure, by over analyzing every ward the person said, and coming to irrational conclusions about the date and the person.
Give the person a chance to explain, elaborate, before you write them off as a "bad seed". I always say to my friends, that if you find 80% in common with some one, you need to be able to except imperfections, other person's downfalls as well; No one is perfect, neither are you. So, if you think you will have to put up with someone’s shortcomings, do not forget that your partner will have to do deal with yours! So, try to be open minded, and more excepting to other people, never know what you may find!
Tanya Wiseman
Online dating Tips on why we fail los angeles singles
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First Date Tips for Women who Use Online Dating Services
What if he is not what I am looking for? What if he looks different then on the
picture from online dating service? What if he is just playing games, and just
trying to get it on with me? Even though, we met online through the
online dating service, and had a
really nice conversation via e-mail, and IM; and find that still meeting someone
for the first time is nerve-racking! All these are legitimate concerns, we women
have before we actually meet someone outside, offline
First, you need to psychology prepare yourself in to this first encounter with
the person you’ve met online. To feel very comfortable, no matter what happens
on the date you must prepare yourself. If your mental and emotional state is
prepare this will be very important, it will lead the date to success or
failure. If you are positive, happy and confident, you will definitely get
winning points with the guy! Also, it’s good to be friendly and funny (if you
are those things!); it breaks the ice on your first meeting, and sets the mood
for the rest of the evening. Try to put all your bad dates from the past online
dating experience on hold, or on the top shelf somewhere; do not punish the guy
for all of yours unsuccessful blind dates!
So, when you are ready psychologically, the nest step is how you look! It is
important; of course to look your best on the first date, since the first
impression, is usually the last…Put on your best and sexiest attire, attractive
but not too revealing; As the saying goes” leave some things to his
imagination”. It’s best to put something on that makes you feel look good and
sexy, like dress or nice pens with the sexy top. When applying the make up,
always highlight you best features, and use the make up wisely. There are two
types of make up: daily and evening. The daily one is very simple, and usually
consists of some light color lipstick, sheer powder and perhaps some mascara.
The evening make is more subtle and pronounced. However, some women overestimate
the power of the evening, by putting way too much make up, trying to cover up
some imperfections, and bring attention by using too much color. Not a good
idea; you do not want to look like a clown.If you are not sure if you are using
too much make up, call your female friends, and see what they think. You should
put just enough to enhance your face characteristics and Features; like eyes and
lips; it is always the best to go with more natural colors, like brown and
beige. Of course, it all depends on your skin complexion, so make a good
judgment yourself.
When you arrive on the date, please be on time. We expect the guys be punctual,
so we should be doing the same. It is very impolite and rude to be late,
especially because you never met this person, and you can make him feel like you
do not care! It’s best to meet somewhere half way, so you both feel comfortable
and fare. Choose the place wisely, meet somewhere in the bar area of the
restaurant or a launch for a casual drink, so it doesn’t not feel like an
obligation if you do not click with this person in real life, and you do not end
up having dinner, and tortured yourself through the meal.
If the conversation sparks right away, especially considering that your guys
already clicked online, and you feel mutual attraction, comfort and excitement;
move your date further to a dinner. The good way to start a conversation would
be a topic you left off while chatting online, and then move on to the rest of
the usual first date subjects. Try to stay in present moment, do not try to
escape in to your past, getting carried away in to your previous relationships.
Be less judgmental, and more receptive and open. Try to listen and participate
in the conversation; do not get in to lectures and philosophies…Do not try to
overpower your point in the conversation, it’s not a competition.
Also, do not try to figure everything out about this person (men) all on the
same night; give him also some time to open up, and take one step at the time.
There will be another date. And most importantly, do not overanalyze him and his
life; he did not come down from the moon, and he’s obviously had prior life
before you, so do not stress yourself out
about things that happened before you met online
dating service. Just go with the
flow, and let things happen naturally…If there is chemistry, it will all work
out, and there will be a second successful date!
If your date is paying for your drinks and for your dinner, it’s nice to thank
him, and perhaps buy him a drink, as a nice gesture to show that you really
appreciated his kindness! End the night with a nice hug and may be a kiss
(whatever you feel like at the moment), another thank you for the evening would
be appropriate!
Good luck to you,
Tanya Wiseman
Online dating service and dating advice tips los angeles singles
Tanya brings online dating to the streets
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Jewish Singles and Online Dating
What is Jewish Dating?
We have Jewish people from all over the world, trying to meet each other, and find a partner for life.
A lot of Jewish people came from Europe, and are normally referred as Ashkenazi.
Most of us European Jews and not so spiritual and religious, but we still want to be together among our own people. What does really defines us a s Jews ?( I am, myself being a Russian Jewish female ); do we really follow the life style as it is proclaimed in the Torah; or do we really follow all of the traditions and laws? Do all of us really keep kosher, and celebrate the Sabbath every Friday?
I have to say, that most of young Jewish people really do not “match a typical Jewish profile”; we consider ourselves as “reformed”, and feel that our culture is sort of altered; we are allowed to do certain things, and it is ok by everyone. It is like a title to be Jewish person.
Of course there are a lot of religious people out there, who really have the life style, you and I can’t possibly lead; and those really dwell around their own communities, date and marry within their environment.
However, for the most of us, even though we are looking for Jewish singles, we do not want to be with anyone who is “too” religious, or too conservative; that means we can not do the things we like to do, like drink and party; and have premarital sex…Right?
Most of us Jewish singles, do not even like each other so much; guys think that all Jewish single girls are JAPs (Jewish American Princess); and the girls think the guys are all “mama’s little shane punem”.Right? And, that there is no one out there good enough for him? Sounds familiar? Hah?
Yet, somehow we all want to just date our own people, because it feels some of what safe, and comfortable. Not because you think that Jewish girl or a guy will not hurt you, or betray you, or disappoint you the same way the “others” will do.
It is because we feel like we share our history, and our culture, and we have to be able to get along, understand and love each other, the way nobody can..
Unfortunately, we have to realize the opposite, that our people just as “human” and imperfect as everyone else.
Jewish dating Service just like every other online dating service, has it’s advantages and disadvantages; in one hand is it great because you feel like everyone is there Jewish and they know exactly how you feel and what you are looking for; and in the other hand you run in to a lot of Jewish singles, who are totally dishonest about themselves, who are just playing around, and not really looking for their match.
I personally found my Mr. Jewish Right online on one of the Online Jewish dating Sites, four years a go, and now we are married and have three year old child. And we are really (I mean it) very happy! Marriage, of course is not easy, but when you are with the right person, anything is possible, and you can make things happen and be happy!
So, I do owe my destiny to the internet, and online dating…I do believe, that if we, Jewish singles, have our own dating sites, we need to support the idea of making it very special, trusting and meaningful.
Let’s be honest with each other, let’s communicate like adults (not like little kids); let’s not post pictures of someone else on to your profile, let’s not lie about our age, weight and size…. Let’s not forget we are all special and chosen people!
Coming from former Soviet republic, where Jewish religion and culture was suppressed and practically hidden, I find it very refreshing to be able to be open about your culture, to be able to celebrate your traditions, and to identify with your heritage!
Tanya Wiseman
Online Dating Coach more info here
Online Dating Coach and dating Advice for singles in Los Angeles
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Dating for Los Angeles Singles
Living in Los Angeles and being single is not so easy. Los Angeles is a city that has a night life, like nowhere else..
There are a lot of singles in Los Angeles who are local, and a lot who came form other state. Everyone always complains as to how hard it is to meet someone in Los Angeles; the city full of night life, attractions, gorgeous and romantic places.
All these great places are fantastic for parties and for entertainment, but unfortunately not for meeting quality people, or meeting your sole mate!
Even with all of its beauty, it is still so difficult to meet available singles in Los Angeles.
Los Angeles singles seem to be very different then the singles from other states. I think they have more pressure, because of the typical LA seen and facade of people everywhere they go. Singles in Los Angeles have to work even hard to try to impress each other, so it is no longer dating, it is competition, or just like a circus…
I have visited some of the popular places in west Los Angeles, to see how the singles in Los Angeles meet, mature and intelligent crowd of people trying to get together…
What I find with Los Angeles singles that both men and women are extremely isolated from each other, as though they do not want to meet at all.. You see the sparkle of interest on both “camps” (men and women), but not a lot of people just go for it.
So, everyone is waiting for something to happen, and it’s just doesn’t happen..Why?
If we have these places for singles in Los Angeles to go to, everyone goes with some kind of expectations, however both men and women kind of hold back..Nobody wants to be obvious! We all know why we are there, and what we came for..Right?
So, why to try to play hard to get..You do not have to go home with anyone, just casually meet people, see what is out there, you really never know what you are going get, or who you are going to meet.
I also realize that some single men in Los Angeles seem to be very insecure about approaching women, in the fear of coming across as lame and cheesy..
And some single women, in other hand, seem to be more aggressive and uninhibited,
They just “waive the guys in”. Nothing wrong with that, we are an emancipated society and it is ok for women to be the first to approach the opposite sex.
So, because there is no specific structure to meet singles in Los Angeles, the dating migrated to the internet, to what we call online dating.
Both men and women feel more confident to write about themselves, and what they are looking for in the potential date. Online dating allows you to contact and communicate with the unlimited amount of members, you do not have to feel any kind of pressure or insecurity..You can view the person’s profile,and figure out whether or not you want to meet this person, with out leaving your house.
Tanya Wiseman
Online dating Coach
Los Angeles Singles - Online dating Coach and Advice
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Online Dating Scams: Be On the Lookout For These 3
As online dating continues to grow and grow so does the sophistication of scammers and tricksters. Who instead of trying to help you make a connection with a woman online simply want to make a connection with your money and leave you with only your "little man" in your hand.
Sign Up to My WebCam... The way this one works, is someone opens an account usually on one of the bigger sites and submits photo's of relatively hot chicks. If they feel like filling out the profile it usually says there bored and horny or looking for a good time. After you write to them they send you an email back saying that they really would like to meet you but in order for them to make sure you are over 18 they have there own site which will give you all there important information and some more steamy pictures as well. However you need a credit card (that's how they verify you're over 18) and after you sing up who knows maybe you can meet for coffee. A similar variation is that they send the email to you first both ways however are just plain scams.
Send Me Money... This one is usually more personal but never the less a scam. How it works is similar to the first except instead of asking you to join a site they tell you that they would like to meet you but live in a different state or country and need you to send them money for the plane ticket, passport, or both. This one at times can be harder to detect as some of them will actually hold a conversation with you emailing back and forth for a few weeks before asking for money. Yet once you send the money the online communication stops as well. If someone is asking for you to send money to them odds are your 1 of 100 and unless you really enjoyed there emails don't send them any money because those emails are all that you are going to have left.
Pay to See Messages... Unlike the first two scams which usually occur on the bigger sites by individuals, the third type is usually on very small sites usually claiming to be a niche site like women who love...(fill in the blank). How it works is they offer you a free trial where you can browse and perhaps even write to other members, the catch being that you have to buy a membership in order to read any of your emails. The membership usually cost anywhere from $20-50 dollars. The scam is nobody else is really an active member as they keep up old profiles and fake profiles giving you the sense that it is really bigger than what it is. An easy way to catch this one is create a profile with no pictures and a profile that is very basic and see how many "emails" you get. If you don't get any within the first 3 days it might be legit, however if they say you got mail and you need to pay you know that it is a fake.
Online dating can be fun, just remember to use a little common sense and if you have to spend money before even meeting to meet realize it is a scam and get out quick.
Teddy Shabba is a dating Coach for Men and creator of dating Advice and Tips for Men which provides an abundance of information for men on dating and more. If you would like more information on how to attract, seduce and meet women sign up for the Teddy Shabba Dating Advice Newsletter for Men today
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Dating Stockholm Is Going Global
The net phenomenon has touch each an every crevice in his world - and fortunately has brought it in close contact with each other. Now, to talk or see anyone, anywhere in any part of the world, all you need to do is come online. Fast, easy, and cost efficient. The services of dating Stockholm offers also use this attributes to make the right connection with the right people. Due to the Internet dating people get more avenues and access to people all over the globe.
Whether it is dating Stockholm or Stockholm sex advertisements, it is clear that people are today more open in thought and are more finicky in getting exactly what they want from their partners in life. There are many people who are looking for a good time and give requests through dating Stockholm personals and also through more direct Stockholm sex ads whereby they indicate in a matter-of-fact-manner what exactly they want from the relationship. Countries like Sweden are also quite open about their sexual preferences and the Stockholm sex ads will also figure a great number of gay and lesbian relationship offers and requests.
The movement of dating Stockholm ads from local to global has been fast and direct and mainly due to the role the Internet. The Net has made it possible for people all over the world to see the dating Stockholm ads and contact the people form Sweden. This is a beautiful phenomenon whereby the world is shrinking considerably through its connectivity to the Net.
There will definitely come a time where inter-country marriages would be most common and maybe then, real globalization will take place making us each global citizens in the real sense of the word. The movement is there, as people throughout the world are now in touch with people from other corners of the earth. There are symposiums, studies, and love shared over the net and each bring people closer to each other in understanding and tolerance of one another different cultures and characteristics.
There is a great deal of good coming out even from the personals ads and sex-explicit advertisements. There is the fact people learn about new tastes, cultures and point of views better when they interact on a social platform. Hence, the ads actually lay down a common understanding path and lift many a cultural barrier between different religions, creed, caste and other differentiate factors. There is of course, a closer amalgamation between different countries and global dating is coming to the forefront though the personals and specifically so designed websites. What it the best however, is that anyone now can have or try to have a partner of their liking. In order to see how many fit the bill you have in mind, place an ad in one these personals online ads - you will be overwhelmed by the amount of results you will get; and you will also be surprised at how many people are there in this world who can share your wavelength. There are over 10 million people that are hooked up to the Internet so you can be sure that you are going to find someone that does share at least a similar interest as you.
Kevin Dark is an online marketer. Find out more about Stockholm dating on his new website
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Atlanta Singles Dating Trap #2 - The Marketing Trap
Do you know how sometimes you can feel like you have to market yourself to get a date and then keep a relationship? Gets tiring doesn't it? It's called the marketing trap and here are some tips and tools for what to do instead.
Signs of the Marketing Trap
Where in the world did we get the notion that we have to sell ourselves or be someone we are not in order to attract someone? It's called the marketing trap and here are some of the signs and symptoms:
1. Believing you need to make yourself more appealing to attract a partner.
2. "Selling" yourself with attractive packaging and presentation.
3. Acting like some you are not and/or someone you think the other person would want.
4. Saying you like something the other person likes when you really don't. I friend of mine is a huge fan of the Rocky movies. A woman he was dating said she was too. It was not until after they were married that my friend discovered she could not stand the movies and thought they were stupid.
The biggest problem with this approach is the high risk of disappointment and relationship failure as you discover that the excitement and promise of the "sizzle" conflicts with the reality of the "steak".
Solution:Get real, be real, stay real. Some people call this authenticity. You will attract compatible people when you show them who you really are. Better to connect with the real person than to find out something different later.
Visit for tips and strategies for finding the love of your life and the live you love. Subscribe to our f-ree 5 Day E-Course "Find the Love of Your Life". Jeff Herring is the founder and CEO of and a singles and couples relationship coach, and can be reached at
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What Should I Tell My Date About Myself?
There are things that must be done and said on a date, and then, there are things that are best not raised on a date. “Open your heart out and she will be yours” -Taboos for dating and a sure shot recipe for a disaster waiting to happen. Much has been said about the issues related to maintenance of trust between couples, but the bottom line is always the same. Don’t invade one’s privacy and don’t expose some part of your own too. Some things are best left unsaid. They must never cross over into the realms of discussion, lest you end up dateless. Don’t miff your date by doing or saying things about yourself, which you are going to regret at a later point in time.
Here are a few tips which must be followed to ensure that the date passes off smoothly and you get a chance to go out with the individual again. These are a collection of tried and tested steps, ignored to the peril of the person not adhering to it, which have been suggested by modern philosophers and dating experts. They are absolute gems of wisdom which are splattered around on the internet and hidden in the lines of modern-day mushy dating book. These are the subtleties which are not adequately emphasized in the dating Etiquettes sheets and suggestion books, but are essential and best learnt from others experience. The topics which should not be discussed while on a date with your partner unless you want to ruin the date as enumerated below:
ท Don’t discuss your last date, especially if it was with a different partner. A definite NO, lest the partner think that you were better of with him/her. Make the person feel that you are having a gala time now and be assured that your next date is booked.
ท Never discuss your former spouse, girlfriend or boyfriend. The person with you in least interested in knowing what the previous occupant of the chair was like. Don’t make him/her think that you are laying standards for behavior.
ท Don’t discuss money or the lack of it on a date; especially on a date. The person sitting next might begin to think that the date itself is a burden on you and might make a quick exit, never to be seen again!
ท Never speak about your past sexual escapades, especially with a new date. No one is interested in your sexual prowess until the chance arrives and you just might poof off then. Your reputation is ruined forever. So don’t discuss your past intimacies! Steer far away from this topic. Don’t even talk about it! This would be your best bet in your new relationship if you don’t want to create waves.
ท Cheated on your previous partner? Never utter a word about it. You open your mouth and the next moment, the person sitting next to you is planning on exit strategies. No one will like to take a chance with a cheater and especially on a date.
ท Don’t gossip about the partner’s friends or known acquaintances. You never know what she thinks of the person under the discussion. She will judge you on the feedback that you are giving him/her on a third party. Never advisable. A strict NO!
ท Finally, don’t say things that are not important enough to be brought up on a date about you. If its important enough, she/he will ask and get a clarification. If you are having a problem, let the relationship develop and then there will always be a better time to get it out of the system. Remember, on a date its best to listen if you don’t have much to talk. Don’t prove people that you are stupid by opening your mouth, when your ears should have been open.
You must have got a good idea about the taboo topics relating to your characteristics on a date are. These are a few and a number of other exists too, but its best to learn a few at time and carry on the learning curve. Enjoy the date and see it blossom into a relationship by not saying things about yourself you will live to regret later. “Silence is GOLDEN; when it related to your sins “– is the motto of the survival today.
Virginia Beauty and Fashion consultant, Svetlana Polyakova from specializes in teaching men and women the fine techniques of how to meet to meet that special person, dress to impress, beauty & Fashion tips and etiquette.
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