
Why Do So Many People Date Online?

By Ann Bendis

Once upon a time, online dating was a last resort, a joke of sorts for singles. Today, that is no longer the case. Millions of singles are now looking online for relationships. The reasons behind this new trend in dating are numerous.

Money Never Has and Never Will Grow on Trees.

The first reason people are turning to online dating is the relatively low cost of the services. Compared to the costs of transportation, grooming, and dining for a blind date, a few dollars a month to an online dating firm is cheap. Online dating allows singles to evaluate their matches and to get to know them before shelving out hard earned dough.

Must I Really Comb My Hair For This?

Comfort and convenience is the second reason online dating has become so popular. While it is generally done at home for privacy reasons, online dating can be done twenty-four hours a day from anywhere a person can access the Internet. No make-up or new hairstyle is required. When in the comfort of your own home, there is no dress code and bathing, although preferred in case of emergency, is optional.

Being able to meet new people in the confines of their own homes is also a huge plus for singles and divorcees living with children. They can mingle without having to hire a babysitter.

Only 24 Hours in a Day.

Why waste two of them talking to a guy who thinks all unforgettable, classic movies feature The Rock or to a girl who can't name the United States Secretary of State but can list twenty colors of red nail polish? With the screening features provided by online dating services, you're able to sift through the vast selection of singles and narrow down the pool to people who match your criteria.

Stupid is as Stupid Does.

Despite popular beliefs, online dating is not unsafe. It is in fact, as anonymous and safe, as a user wants it to be. Statistics reveal that it is just as safe as conventional dating, perhaps even safer as online daters don't feel the need to invade the crazy, sometimes dangerous, bar scenes. As long as online daters exercise common sense as they should do even when dating in the conventional manner, they should have safe dates. It would be ridiculous to assume that one can play with a live beehive and not get stung.

A Happily Ever After For Me Too?

Online dating success stories are everywhere from CNN to Oprah. By itself alone, match.com recognizes an estimated 130 engagements and/or marriages each month as a result of its services. Other dating sites quote similar high figures. Daters see these numbers and want their own happy endings.

Online dating is inexpensive, convenient, safe, and proven successful. Nobody wants to be alone; no one should. With online dating, you don't have to be.

Ann Bendis writes about online dating and relationships at http://www.singleattractions.com


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